Hi I’m Sammie!
I’m a UX Designer.
I bridge diverse perspectives, knowledge domains, and methodologies to foster innovative design solutions.
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“Why do I keep dying in the game?”. This was the question that led to me becoming the team’s lead UX/UI Designer. Through meticulous research, intentional design, and diligent testing METAL BEANS user interface is not just functional but also enjoyable.
Hear For You
Hear For You •
Hear For You
In 2021, anti-Asian hate crimes increased by 339% due to misconceptions tied to COVID-19. How can we provide the fastest relief and build a safe space when someone experiences racially-motivated attacks?
Endangered Species International
Endangered Species International •
Redesigning Endangered Species International
A non-profit’s website plays an important role building trust with recurrent and new supporters. The goal of this case study was to transform Endangered Species International (ESI)’s site from overwhelming to inspiring.
Sammie's Voters Guide
Sammie's Voters Guide •
Sammie’s Voters Guide
What began as an excel sheet to help my friends vote with less stress, this passion project is an upgraded version that is also interactable! Voting should not need to be confusing or difficult, but rather an empowering experience.